As I was telling you in my first post. That third ebook was about a paid-to-upload site, that was ShareCash, alright. In all honestly, I suck at writing, but the e-book I read was very poorly written. Imagine a bunch of stray dogs crapping the park, that was how random the affiliate links were scattered.
Anyways, moving on, ShareCash.org is a reputable paid-to-upload site, and I guess the reason behind this is because they are the first to offer high rates and they sustain.
So how do you make money from it? You simply upload files, promote your ShareCash download links, and whenever somebody downloads them from ShareCash, you get a huge chunk off the revenue they make from surveys or offers they use to unlock your files.

ShareCash B.C.
Before ShareCash, paid-to-upload sites including giants and pioneers pay at PTC (paid to click) rates. The rate I remember was actually $1 per 1000 downloads plus commission per sale, which they never pay anyways, so it was actually $0 per gazillion downloads back then. Aside from a lot of sites having the reputation of no-show* and no-pay*, who in his right mind would be encouraged to upload files (considering the legal implications of infringement) when they can just blog and spam, and blog and spam…ad nauseum, right?

ShareCash A.D.
When ShareCash came, do you know how big the gap was in terms of rates? up to 75,000%. No further questions, your honor.

As I was saying, me getting outside the box again started with ShareCash. The first time I decided to create my files and promote them took only 30 minutes more or less. But I earned 3 or 4 dollars overnight; sorry my memory is kind of vague. The story of those files did not end there though. Over the next two months, they have earned me a little over $200, still small for a giant T-rex like me though.

30 minutes and $200, and you’re not even a lawyer in NYC? You’re not even in NYC!
Remember the old saying in Futurama, 'Does not compute!'? Well, yeah it does not because it is passive income. Unlike the regular, active, no-work no-pay income that 99.87654321% of the worker population is used to, passive income, my human friends, requires skills of the mind and less work for the body. God, I’m so good at math!
ShareCash is one of the best sources of online income for beginners; it is passive as well as fast easy money. Other online jobs or work-from-home jobs that are mostly data entry cannot even compare to the simplicity, ease of use, and profitability of this site.

So that’s it! The number of paragraphs tells me that I should just fill the rest of the post with proof of payment, call it a day, pee, and then go to bed!

Dinosaur bokel’s ShareCash earnings. Exhibit A

*no-show: (adj); you do not know whether the bastard is in Fiji or in Tibet, no way to reach the asshole.
*no-pay: (adj); a not-so-new species of poisonous jackass commonly found on the Internet. Horridness is second only to scammers. It eventually evolves into a scammer, who cares?
*join me: (a pick-up line); invitation to do some physical activity; can mean anything from passionate-to-sensual-to-sultry-to-carnal-to-sexual; indecent proposal. If you want to hit on the freaking bastard dinosaur, bokel, you can JOIN ShareCash, and shoot him some indecent PMs. :D